The main target groups which are going to benefit from the activities of the project are the intermediary organisations that support apprenticeships, the SMEs, the VET organisation and, indirectly, the VET students.

The intermediary organisations are going to:

- improve the skills and knowledge of their staff in the support of SMEs in relation with apprenticeships

- improve their skills to persuade SMEs to be involved with apprenticeships

- be better able to support apprenticeships

- have available tools and methods that could help them to support apprenticeships more effectively

- have available online training material that could be used at any time for the training of new members of staff, intermediary organisations at local level (e.g. regional branches of a national level organisations etc).

After the end of the project, the SMEs are going to:

- have effective and concrete support from the intermediary organisations to organise better apprenticeships

- have staff that will be better trained to organise effective apprenticeships through the mentor training courses that are going to be organised

- improve their networking with other SMEs that organise apprenticeships and participate in a joint training network through which they could benefit from multiple support from other SMES and the intermediary organisations.

- have available training material that they can use at any time in order to train new staff members on the management of apprenticeships

- have available web based tools that they are going to support them in the selection of the most adequate candidate for their apprenticeship position.

The VET organisations are going to:

- be facilitated in the finding of an apprenticeship position for their students through the improvement of the skills and competencies of the intermediary organisations

- have available a tool that is going to facilitate the finding for their students of an adequate apprenticeship position

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